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Here’s What You Are Missing
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If you are still in the trial period, you do not have access to prior entries using the Prev or Archive buttons.  Tap the Home button below.

If the trial period has expired, you no longer have access to the Solution for today’s Shades of Meaning pair or their Definitions or the Bonus content.  In addition, you are still not able to learn from prior entries by using the Archive or Search function. Tap the button above to revisit What You are Missing.

To upgrade to the full-access version, tap the SUBSCRIBE button at the bottom of any screen of this free iSOM App on your iPhone, iPod, or iPad.*

Yes, we got it.  You would never buy an App (even if it’s less than half a cup of Starbucks) without “testing” it.  So, if you have exhausted the trial period and need a refresher, first use the “Here’s What You Are Missing” link above to run through a complete entry. Then, for another “test”, tap the Home button below, use the How It Works button found there, and run through another sample Shades of Meaning entry. 

If you subscribe, you will never again be relegated to this page and, instead, will have unfettered access to all Shades of Meaning functions:

                     Solution, Definitions, Bonus, Archive, and Search. 

* The lifetime, full-access version of Shades of Meaning costs only $.99 —  just over a half a penny a day for the first six months — and then it’s FREE!